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Frequently Asked Questions
We understand that you may have questions before your first visit. We have gathered answers to frequently asked questions to help you prepare for a successful experience. If at any time you have further questions please reach out to our client care team at 719-231-6657.
Where are your offices?
We have office locations in Colorado Springs, Westminster, and Fort Collins. Click for addresses and directions.
Do I need a doctor’s referral?
Yes. The referral (or order) should read: Occupational Therapy Driver Evaluation and Treatment. This should list your diagnosis or reason for seeking services. Your medical provider can fax the referral to us at 719-931-5559. Our client care team can also send a request to your provider. We have better chances of success if you also contact your provider to request the referral.
Why do I need a referral if my insurance is not being billed?
The referral from your medical provider allows us to establish communication, request pertinent medical background, and report back to your doctor on your progress.
What should I bring to my driving evaluation?
Driver's license or permit (Please contact us if you do not have a valid license or permit, we cannot go on-road until you have one).
Glasses for near and far vision, if needed
Hearing aids, if needed
Mobility devices, if needed
Do I need to bring my own vehicle?
No. The driving portion of your evaluation session will take place in the Health Promotion Partners vehicle. We have specially equipped vehicles with passenger-side brake pedals and have the ability to add adaptive equipment if needed.
Can I drive myself to the evaluation?
We request that you have someone drive you to your evaluation appointment.
Can a family member come to the appointment?
With the client’s permission, family is welcome to attend the in-clinic portion of the session. During the in-vehicle portion of the session family members can wait in the waiting area at the office or leave and come back. We drive for about an hour during most evaluations. At the end of the session, we request that you have a family member present for the final consultation and planning discussion.
Will insurance cover driver evaluation services?
For most of our clients driving evaluations are a private pay service. Medicare, and other insurance companies, do not consider driving “medical necessary”. Please see Finances Page for more details.
How do I prepare for my evaluation?
The simple answer is to arrive for your evaluation well rested. There is nothing that you need to study prior to visiting our driving school. Unlike a traditional driving school, our tests are not pass/fail and we do not provide a written test of rules of the road.
Our approach to driver safety is a collaboration with the driver and, often, their family. As occupational therapists we are working with the client to help them gain or maintain their independence and safe mobility. We work with you to find solutions for your independence whenever possible.
During our evaluation, we will assess vision, physical skills, and thinking skills – tests you really can’t study for! The best way to prepare is to get some sleep, have a good breakfast, and bring a positive attitude!
How is Fitness to Drive different from a traditional driving school?
Fitness to Drive is a different type of driving school. Driver safety is our goal and we specialize in working with new drivers with neurodivergence or a physical disability, drivers with a medical condition, and older adults who want to make sure that they are still fit to drive safely. Traditional driving schools primarily provide driver education and training for new drivers. They are not equipped to answer questions about how visual, physical, or cognitive impairments may affect driving performance. What makes us different is our background and training. All of our driving school instructors are certified driver rehabilitation specialists and occupational therapists with decades of experience. Our expertise is in the evaluation of how medical conditions, learning challenges, or cognitive decline affects fitness to drive. We individualize each evaluation and offer a training plan to suit the needs of the client.
My child did not succeed at a previous driving school, what is different at Fitness to Drive?
The occupational therapists at Fitness to Drive driving school have the education and experience to assess potential barriers to driving before we get in the car. We understand that each new driver brings their own set of strengths and challenges. Sometimes sensory challenges, processing delays, or concrete thinking skills necessitate a different approach to learning. Our driving school instructors find out what works best for your child and use a multi-sensory approach to driver education. Each session is individually tailored to your child’s needs. All training is in a one to one format and parents/guardians are welcome to participate in the training so that they can carry over the techniques for at home practice.