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Fitness to Drive Services
Driver rehabilitation services are not typically a medically covered benefit by most insurance companies. Medicare and Medicare Advantage Plans will not cover the cost of occupational therapy services when the goal is determination of fitness to drive. Please see below for funding alternatives.
Some clients have had success with Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) paying for the OT Driver Evaluation. We recommend that you confirm the specifics of your plan prior to using this as a payment method.
We have contracts with the following organizations:
Veteran's Administration - we are a community care provider. Driver rehabilitation is covered if ordered by your VA provider.
Rocky Mountain PACE
Innovage PACE
Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Wyoming Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Workers compensation insurance plans in Colorado and Wyoming
The following organizations have provided scholarships in the past:
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado
Pikes Peak Area Agency on Aging
Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
Private Pay Pricing
Initial phone consultation …………………..........Free
Comprehensive driving evaluation ………. $480.
Driver training programs …………………….........$240 per session (1.5 hour sessions).
Award Winning Therapy Company
Fitness to Drive is an award winning occupational therapy company. We empower new and experienced drivers to gain confidence and independence.