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Welcome to the Fitness to Drive newsletter, your go-to source for staying informed about all things related to road safety and driver wellness. Each edition brings you updates on upcoming events, highlights from recent presentations, essential tips for improving traffic safety, and thought-provoking blog posts. Whether you’re looking to stay updated on the latest in driving fitness or explore new insights on road safety, this newsletter has something for everyone. Stay informed, stay safe, and drive with confidence!


Social Media Interviews

Driver Safety - Does it Matter?

Dr. Terri Cassidy talks with the Mavericks of Senior Living about the importance of addressing driver safety with our loved ones.

3 Red Flags You Should Intervene With Your Loved One's Driving

As our parents' age, we often notice things that they may not be willing to admit yet -- such as the degradation of their driving capabilities. It's difficult to have this conversation with them because it represents their freedom and independence.


Terri shares some ideas for how to begin talking about with your loved one, and what to watch out for that may mean it's time to consider intervening with their driving.

3 Red Flags You Should Intervene With Your Loved One's Driving

As our parents' age, we often notice things that they may not be willing to admit yet -- such as the degradation of their driving capabilities. It's difficult to have this conversation with them because it represents their freedom and independence.


Terri shares some ideas for how to begin talking about with your loved one, and what to watch out for that may mean it's time to consider intervening with their driving.


Local Television Interviews


KOAA New5 anchor Elizabeth Watts interviews Dr. Terri Cassidy and Kathryn Seibert about age related changes and driving.


Claudia Garofalo interviews Dr. Terri Cassidy about the Fitness to Drive Program for the Living Local section of FOX 21 News. 


 Jessica Barreto interviews Dr. Terri Cassidy about the Fitness to Drive Program for KOAA News 5. 


Podcast Appearances that Discuss Driving and Aging

Help for Family Caregivers of People With Dementia

Kathryn Clinton from the Age Better Resources podcast speaks with Dr. Terri Cassidy, OTD and CEO of Health Promotion Partners in Colorado discussing an innovative program to help care partners of people living with dementia manage daily challenges more effectively.

A Thriving Life Podcast - Discussion with Dr. Cassidy and Kent Matthews

Kent speaks with Terri Cassidy of Health Promotion Partners about driving. Terri is an occupational therapist and Certified Driver Rehabilitation Specialist whose practice focuses on direct patient care as well as education to medical professionals on topics of driver safety.

Seniors Flourish - Discussion with Dr. Cassidy and Mandy Chamberlain

Many know that occupational therapists help with driving rehab, but how about driving retirement? It is a HUGE shift to go from driving to not driving and what is our role in preparing our patients with this transition? The more we can help our patients explore alternative options, the easier it will be for them in the future.


Terri Cassidy OTD, OTR/L, Certified Driving Rehab Specialist, discusses what this looks like, as well as how we can work on these goals for our patients to maintain as much independence in community mobility as possible!

Senior Talk - Discussion with Dr. Cassidy and Greg Coopman

Greg from KRDO Newsradio 105.5's SeniorTalk speaks with Terri about the Fitness to Drive Program and how ageing drivers can benefit from seeing a certified driving rehabilitation specialist. 

Misunderstanding Dementia - Discussion with Dr. Cassidy, Kathryn, and Dr. Mike Chua

What is a driver rehab specialist? When do you need one? How can they help your loved one who has dementia? Listen to this talk between Dr. Chua, Terri, and Kathryn to get the answers!

Time to stop driving? Podcast with Emmy Betz and Terri Cassidy

The science of balancing safety and independence of older drivers has come a long way.  Some key points from our podcast today with Emmy Betz (emergency physician-researcher) and Terri Cassidy (occupational therapist and certified driving rehab specialist) include:


  • It’s no longer gouache to say “taking away the keys” – which sound punitive and risks infantilizing 

  • Instead the new lingo is “driving retirement”

  • Driving retirement can be a process, similar to a harm reduction model, in which the activity is not eliminated all together but restricted to minimize harm: e.g. driving only during the day, or avoiding freeways.

  • JAGS randomized trial demonstrated that a free online tool that assess readiness to stop driving helped older drivers with the difficult decision about driving cessation.

  • Often the work of the certified driving rehab specialist is to assess the older drivers goals, assess prognosis for driving, and help the family navigate discussions around driving cessation (hmmm…sounds like an approach to family meetings).

  • There is a dearth of Certified Driving Rehab Specialists: 12 for the entire state of Colorado!


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